Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Invest Your Money

 I created a budget sheet and decided to get my finances together. Also I broke out in a makeup allergy and my new job made me worked like 6 days straight LMAO. Anyway, here's what my spreadsheets look like. Also I recently open up an investment account and I'm looking forward to investing $100/month on a Roth IRA account. I think I need to start invest now. Money sitting in my saving account will lose it's value in the long run. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Job Interviews are Hard

 So for the past week I've been applying for jobs left and right. I've got at least 5 interviews, 2 of the interviews I went to required a follow up interviews. During these interviews I notice that they all ask similar questions. One of those question is "tell me a little bit about yourself". On the first interview I went to I wasn't sure how to answer this questions, so I failed to get a follow up interview. However, after I came home I googled this question for my next interview. What I found is the format I should answer this questions starting with the present, past, and future. I went to my next interview and this question was asked again. I use the formula and was able to secure my second interview. Which is an audition at one of the casino downtown. In the past week I went to one interview everyday. It was very crazy having to balance all these interviews, but at the same time each interview I went to help me learn how to answer these questions. I wish they would teach us how to speak in job interviews in school. 

Here's a list of questions that were repeated in my job interviews:

Tell me something about yourself.

Tell me something unique about yourself.

Why do you think you will be a good fit for this job?

What is your strongest and weakest traits?

Friday, April 9, 2021

The more serious post

This is a drawing I made of a character 
from League of Legends back in 2010
when the game first was release.
At the time I thought this drawing was
one of my best work being that I was
only 14 at the time.
So.. I don't normally like to post serious stuff on here, but I just needed to get some clarity. Some of you may already know that I'm pursuing a career in cyber security - networking security. The job itself looks very promising and seem to have very little risk. I feel like lately I don't enjoy coding and studying new trends. Originally I thought that maybe I might like it cause my parents were very supportive of this career path and they were the one who heavily pushes me to get my degree. Thinking back on it now and with all the mid terms and exam I have to take lately it made me realize that I don't want to sit in front of a computer all day. 

When I graduated high school I didn't really want to go to college. I wanted to go to beauty school instead and become a makeup artist. Art is one of those things that you could say I was "gifted" at. It was something that I was passionate about and didn't mind spending days to finish one drawing. In middle school and high school I would practice makeup everyday, but I never wore them out cause I was insecure at the time. 

I recently brought this topic up to my parents and they were super upset and they told me that they weren't going to help me in anyway. Beauty school cost 20k here and I only have like 2k in my checking account LMAO. Anyway, I'm currently not on speaking terms with my parents. This upcoming Monday is the date that I can sign up for summer class. I'm still debating if I want to continue being miserable just to please my parent or just give them the middle finger and take a riskier path. Also I rather open up my own beauty business than work in an IT field under someone else. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Spring Break

 Nothing really special happen over spring break. I couldn't find anyone to help me moved my furniture so it ended being a 2 and  a half day project for me. My mom helped me moved and I ended up breaking one of the leg on my desk cause I got lazy and decided to drag the table across the room instead of lifting it LOL. Anyway, I bought a new desk from IKEA. I thought IKEA furniture were suppose to be cheaper RIP. I finally got my internet working. The room that I moved into didn't have an active internet axial port, so I had to call Cox over and the dude look like he was about to rob me LMAO. I live though yay me. Also I dropped the desk on my foot... FUN.

Friday, March 26, 2021

I'm in PAIN!!!

 Yesterday, I woke up thinking that today is going to be a decent day. You know, nothing too wild just the same basic day is how I like it. Anyway, I thought taking a nice hot bath before I ruin my day doing school works would be a great idea. There I was enjoying my nice hot bath with an Intergalactic bath bomb from Lush with my K-Drama on, and BOOM! My cat, Leona, decided to jumped over the tub and shred me a new one. The nice blue sparkling water turned red and I couldn't help, but cry like someone just jam my toes between the door on repeat. I could feel every cut on my body touching the hot water. Oh don't worry I manage to muster up enough adrenaline to rescue the cat first. So moving forward bath time will be have be completely alone with zero pets. 

But here's a photo of the bath bomb I used.

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Last Candle

Once upon a time, during a cold winter, there was a boy who travels with his black cat. The boy was homeless and he sell candles on the street to get by. Every night he would lit one candle to keep himself and the cat warm. One night, a small pale girl with long black hair approached the boy. She gave the boy her warm scarf and winter coat. The boy was curious and asked if she was homeless too. She looked at the boy and smiled without saying a single word. The girl grab the boy's hand and stopped in front of a bakery. The boy's eye dazzled as he look inside the shop and see the delicious banana bread. The girl notice the way the boy look at the delicious bread and she decided to go inside the shop. "WAIT!" yelled the boy. He was trying to warn the girl that he doesn't have any money. The girl simply smiled back  and went inside the shop. Moments later she came out with a fresh bag of banana bread and handed it over to the boy. He was so happy to finally get to eat fresh food. All night long the two of them went on many adventures together. They ate all kind of delicious food, wear all kind of fashionable winter clothes, and even built a snowman together. As the night goes on the two children stood in front of a Christmas tree. The boy glares at the star on top of the tree and starts to tears up. The girl took his hands and slowly they both began to flew up towards the sky. The boy was shocked and scared, then he looked up at the girl and see her beautiful smile once more. He felt the warmth of her hands and suddenly he doesn't feel scare anymore. Together the two of them went, with a big smiles on their faces as the last candle fade away.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Zombie Kid

Once upon a time there live a boy who didn't have any emotions. The only emotion he know is hunger. The boy was pale and has a large head with a deformed face. His mother lock him in the basement because she didn't want other people to see him. Each night she would steal food in order to feed the boy. Some day she'll steal a pig. Other day she'll steal some chickens. One day a pandemic hit the city and many livestock die and everyone moved out of the area except for the mother. With no food to feed her little boy she began to offer herself instead. First she offer him her left leg, then the right one, then her left arm, and her right arm. Until all there was left was her torso. The boy crawl to his mom and held onto her, as she told him that this was going to be his last meal. Then the boy finally spoke his first word as she took her last breath. 

"You're so warm.. Mom"

PS. Heard this story in a movie, might not be all correct with the details LOL.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Another Blog Post...

Today I woke up with a migraine. It's probably because of the lack of sleep. Work has been alright. Still don't have a set schedule, so that's bummer. Honestly, I don't really know what I want to blog about. I'm more of a private person, so I don't want to share any of my personal experiences. Also I don't really leave the house, so there's not much interesting to write about. What do you guys think of this assignment? Are you doing it because you genuinely feel like this is something you like? Or are you like me who's doing this because it's require?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Job Interview

Got a call back last week cause one of the girl decided to turn down the job, so they called me for a second interview. It was a very weird interview. When I first got on site they explain to me the situation and that they wanted to see how I'd do in front of the camera. I went on the table and we did a mock session. I thought maybe it would be like 2 hours at most, but no. Right after the mock session they decided to do an assessment to see how much training I would need. Ended up being there for about 5 hours. 

I'm glad I got the job, but I feel like there's a big lack of management at this work place. Like let me know ahead of time if I'm going to be there for more than 2 hours. I was under the impression that it would be a lot shorter. I guess only time will tell. 

Also my first day was last weekends, and then I have orientation/training on Monday and Tuesday. Hope this workplace will pay well and not shady like my last job. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

How I Got Into League of Legends

League of Legends is a game that was released about 10 or so years ago. I started playing this game by accident. When the game first came out I was dating this dude in high school, and notice a trend that he literally took an hour to reply to one text message. Out of annoyance, I decided to join the game myself. I didn't play the game at first, only downloaded the game to be able to talk. 

The first game that I won was so fun that I started to took more interest in it. Eventually I started getting really good at the game, even entering a few competition here and there. The relationship didn't last long though. I managed to out ranked my ex and he got salty over it, so we broke up LOL.
My biggest accomplishment is ranking in the top 500 Vel'koz player in the world.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Exposing the Double Standards at Wall Street

A group of Reddit users under the Reddit post r/WallStreetsBet has bankrupt hedge funds company over night. These hedge fund companies are betting in the stock market, targeting GameStop's stock by betting against the company to fail in order to make a quick buck. However, earlier this week a group of Redditters came together to boost GameStop's stock  causing several hedge funds company to go bankrupts. 

This is a practice that the rich has been using since the beginning of the stock markets to squeeze company's out of the stock market business causing companies to shut down and many employees to lose their jobs. Once the stock market notice that their rich friends are losing money, the first thing they do was shut down all trading and selling on GameStop's stocks. 

Apparently it's only okay if the stock market work out for the rich, but when the script is flip to benefit the regular people it immediately became a crime. I expect the news media to make the Redditters to look like the bad guys. What do you guys think?