Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Invest Your Money

 I created a budget sheet and decided to get my finances together. Also I broke out in a makeup allergy and my new job made me worked like 6 days straight LMAO. Anyway, here's what my spreadsheets look like. Also I recently open up an investment account and I'm looking forward to investing $100/month on a Roth IRA account. I think I need to start invest now. Money sitting in my saving account will lose it's value in the long run. 


  1. You are wise to start investing in your retirement when young :-) A long investment horizon allows more opportunity for risks and rewards! I hope you recover from your allergy and be sure to not burn out on overtime work ^_^

  2. This is a great way to encourage your peers to invest. My mom set up my IRA's a little less than a week after I started working.

  3. This is great you are applying the skills you learned in class how cool.

  4. I would love to get a great stable job and career in the future and start investing in retirement.

  5. Very wise things to do, investing would be a smart move for me as well but I don't have a job to invest money into anything haha
