Thursday, February 4, 2021

How I Got Into League of Legends

League of Legends is a game that was released about 10 or so years ago. I started playing this game by accident. When the game first came out I was dating this dude in high school, and notice a trend that he literally took an hour to reply to one text message. Out of annoyance, I decided to join the game myself. I didn't play the game at first, only downloaded the game to be able to talk. 

The first game that I won was so fun that I started to took more interest in it. Eventually I started getting really good at the game, even entering a few competition here and there. The relationship didn't last long though. I managed to out ranked my ex and he got salty over it, so we broke up LOL.
My biggest accomplishment is ranking in the top 500 Vel'koz player in the world.


  1. Sounds like you were too good for him both in term of video game and dating :-) I never gotten into multiplayer online battle arena video games. About twenty years ago, I played mostly 2D fighting games. If you are top tier, perhaps you will make a living out of competing gaming ^_^

  2. I have never heard of this game what type of game is this? The newer type of games I have played is Call of Duty. I like the first person type of games.

  3. I think I would enjoy the social and teamwork aspect of those types of mass multiplayer online games. I never got into them though as they just didn't appeal to me. I'm more into Real Time Strategy games such as Supreme Commander and Sins of a Solar Empire. Sounds fulfilling for you though and you sound like you've been successful in it.

  4. The fact that you had to get the game because he was replying slow. I already know you moved on to better. And it's great that you have the talent to play that game. I've heard a bit about it, but I like my Papa's Cupcakeria game to much to part XD.

  5. League of Legends and I have a love hate relationship. I would be enjoying it one game then wish I had quit in another. But it's always fun to play with friends regardless. Also, top 500 Vel'Koz in the world that's quite impressive!

  6. This story gave me a nice laugh. Isn't it crazy how our interests arise sometimes? It's awesome that you joined competitions! I applaud you for letting go of that relationship because there is no room for putting each other down by being mopey about the other's successes. That's just lame. Anyway, I find it fascinating to see more and more young women get into gaming. The only game I play to date is Mario Bros. for GameBoy. I never got it as a kid, so now that I make my own living, I bought it to relive my childhood (at my cousin's house *eye roll*).

  7. Even though I don't play many games I think this is so cool! Also I think the story about your boyfriend is so funny!

  8. I played League before and it was fun, but I just never got back into it. Seems like it would be a great game for friends but I don't have any gamer friends.

  9. That's awesome you were ranked top 500, I know how massive the player base for that game is!

  10. Funny story about Vel'koz, he was the first champ I got a penta on. It was like my 5th game playingn ARAM with my friends.
