Sunday, April 18, 2021

Job Interviews are Hard

 So for the past week I've been applying for jobs left and right. I've got at least 5 interviews, 2 of the interviews I went to required a follow up interviews. During these interviews I notice that they all ask similar questions. One of those question is "tell me a little bit about yourself". On the first interview I went to I wasn't sure how to answer this questions, so I failed to get a follow up interview. However, after I came home I googled this question for my next interview. What I found is the format I should answer this questions starting with the present, past, and future. I went to my next interview and this question was asked again. I use the formula and was able to secure my second interview. Which is an audition at one of the casino downtown. In the past week I went to one interview everyday. It was very crazy having to balance all these interviews, but at the same time each interview I went to help me learn how to answer these questions. I wish they would teach us how to speak in job interviews in school. 

Here's a list of questions that were repeated in my job interviews:

Tell me something about yourself.

Tell me something unique about yourself.

Why do you think you will be a good fit for this job?

What is your strongest and weakest traits?


  1. Glad to see you chose for yourself and by yourself :-)

    Kudos to you for going on daily interviews toward your career of choice!

    Thank you for sharing you timely interviewing experiences with the class.

    I hope A3 Tailored Cover Letter and Resume contributed to you landing the interviews and will help you land job offering(s) ^_^

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience.. I've been looking for a job myself and I will keep these common questions in mind : )

  3. My guilty pleasure are interviews. I enjoy them. I use what I've picked up from extroverts and try to market myself to the best of my ability. It is rare that I do not get a call back. Try turning it into a conversation to bring your anxiety down. It works!

  4. Good luck I hope you get the job. With Vegas going to 100% soon I hope there are more places hiring

  5. Thanks, I will definitely use these tips to help me out in the future. I honestly would not know how to answer a question like that if I was in an interview now.
