Sunday, April 4, 2021

Spring Break

 Nothing really special happen over spring break. I couldn't find anyone to help me moved my furniture so it ended being a 2 and  a half day project for me. My mom helped me moved and I ended up breaking one of the leg on my desk cause I got lazy and decided to drag the table across the room instead of lifting it LOL. Anyway, I bought a new desk from IKEA. I thought IKEA furniture were suppose to be cheaper RIP. I finally got my internet working. The room that I moved into didn't have an active internet axial port, so I had to call Cox over and the dude look like he was about to rob me LMAO. I live though yay me. Also I dropped the desk on my foot... FUN.


  1. Yikes, I hope your foot gets better. Glad you got internet connectivity back :-)

  2. That looks very painful, Nook! I am also sorry that I and no one else were available to help you move. I remember having to move with my mom. It's a pain in the booty - or the foot. However, congratulations on the new desk! That's a little exciting, no?

  3. Ouch that looks like it was painful! Hope you feel better put some ice on it!

  4. Nothing really special happened over spring break for me as well. And ouch, that looks extremely painful.. I hope your foot is better

  5. That looks like it hurts. I saw your request from the teacher, I would have helped if I wasn't busy and shy.

  6. I am sorry about your foot and sorry that I didnt see your email sooner, I would have helped for sure.
